Blog Archives

Loving Kindness Meditation for Oneself

In the blog category “Guided Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

Loving kindness meditation is a method of developing compassion. It comes from the Buddhist tradition, but it can be adapted and practiced by …

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Witness the Arising of the Sense of Self

In the blog category “Guided Reflections”, I will provide detailed
explanations for all the guided reflection tracks that I will place in the
Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from
the “Guided Reflections” page under “Resources” menu option where these tracks
in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

Buddhist teachings, we human beings are described as a collection of five
changing processes (often called aggregates of clinging): the processes of the
physical body, of feelings, of perceptions, of …

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Guided Reflection on Impermanence

In the blog category “Guided Reflections”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided reflection tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Reflections” page under “Resources” menu option where these tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

Impermanence, called anicca
(Pāli) or anitya (Sanskrit) appears extensively in the Pali Canon as one of the
essential doctrines of Buddhism. The doctrine asserts that all …

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On Letting Go (Revised)

In the blog category “Guided Reflections”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided reflection tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Reflections” page under “Resources” menu option where these tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

I posted my first guided reflection practice on letting go in March 2018. Since then I received some feedback from website users. Though they appreciated …

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The 10 Perfections – Generosity

In the blog category “Mindfulness Concepts,” I will elaborate on the many ideas, concepts and insights that form the basis of the amazing practice of mindfulness meditation.

In an earlier blog post, I talked about “The 10 Perfections.” These are the qualities of the heart that are eventually developed with the practice of mindfulness meditation.

In this blog post, I will talk about the first perfection,
Generosity. All spiritual traditions place a lot of emphasis on the virtues of
generosity. Within the Buddhist …

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The 10 Perfections – Manifesting the Power of Mindfulness Meditation in our Lives

In the blog category “Mindfulness Concepts”, I will elaborate on the many ideas, concepts and insights that form the basis of the amazing practice of mindfulness meditation.

Last year, I was asked a
question on the goal of mindfulness practice. The person who asked me that
question was familiar with the classic practices of mindfulness of breath, body
scan, etc. and was also familiar with the health benefits that accrued from them.
I did give him some answers but after our conversation ended, I realized …

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Calming the Breath and the Body (Long Version)

In the blog category “Guided Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

A few months ago, I received a request from a regular website visitor asking me if I could provide a longer version …

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Background Music in Guided Meditations

In the blog category “Website Content Feedback”, I will publish my answers to questions posed to me by users who use the website resources as well as their suggestions and feedback. I will be delighted to publish their experiences as well as testimonials wherever appropriate. 

I received a question from a person who listened to “Mental Noting” guided meditation and its accompanying blog post on my website.  She found it very helpful. However, she wished there were simple sounds or music in the background to …

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On Letting Go of Desires

In the blog category “Website Content Feedback”, I will publish my answers to questions posed to me by users who use the website resources as well as their suggestions and feedback. I will be delighted to publish their experiences as well as testimonials wherever appropriate.

An online user who used my guided reflection practice called “On Letting Go” posed the following question: Why would we want to let go of all desires? Surely some of them are positive and we don’t …

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Guided Reflection: On Letting Go

In the blog category “Guided Reflections”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided reflection tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Reflections” page under “Resources” menu option where these tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

Suffering in the form of unhappiness, anger, hatred, greed, jealousy, dissatisfaction, disappointment, frustration, pride, arrogance, fear and worry are all derived from craving and …

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Meditation vs Reflection

In the blog category “Guided Reflections”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided reflection tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Reflections” page under “Resources” menu option where these tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

There is a difference between practice of meditation and practice of reflection within the domain of mindfulness. Meditation practice helps us to develop concentration and …

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Taking the Best Medicine Mindfully

In the blog category “Mindfulness Meditation techniques”, I will list various techniques that will help practitioners of this form of meditation. Over a period of years, I have compiled a variety of such techniques and formed a virtual toolkit from which I draw upon on a regular basis.

Hippocrates, the Greek physician often referred to as the “Father of Western Medicine” once stated that “Walking is the best medicine”. I am going to present a beautiful technique that utilizes “short breaths” …

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Cultivating Loving Kindness for Loved Ones and Benefactors

In the blog category “Guided Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

Loving-kindness meditation is a method of developing compassion. It comes from the Buddhist tradition, but it can be adapted and practiced by anyone, regardless of …

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Impermanence, Looking Deeply

In the blog category “Guided  Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

Buddhist doctrines state that there are three basic facts of all existence:

Impermanence or Change
Suffering or Unsatisfactoriness
Not-self or Insubstantiality

Within these three facts, it is …

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Chasing Daylight by Eugene O’Kelly – Book Review


Chasing Daylight is the honest, touching and inspirational memoir of former KPMG CEO Eugene O’Kelly. The memoir was completed in three and a half months between his diagnosis of terminal brain cancer and his death in September 2005. It was published in 2006. It’s haunting yet extraordinarily hopeful voice reminds us to embrace the fragile, …

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