Blog Archives

The Blooming of a Lotus by Thich Nhat Hanh

In the blog category “Book Reviews”, I will review many classic books written by teachers and practitioners of mindfulness meditation. I have been reading such books for more than 2 decades now. I will systematically review these books, one by one, so that it may help readers of this blog make informed decision about purchasing …

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Impermanence, Looking Deeply

In the blog category “Guided  Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

Buddhist doctrines state that there are three basic facts of all existence:

Impermanence or Change
Suffering or Unsatisfactoriness
Not-self or Insubstantiality

Within these three facts, it is …

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Looking Deeply, Release (Anger)

In the blog category “Guided Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

The meditation entitled “Looking Deeply, Release” appears in chapter IV of the book “The Blooming of a Lotus” by Thich Nhat Hanh. This …

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Looking Deeply, Healing # 1

In the blog category “Guided Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

Mindfulness of feeling tones is a very powerful application within the broad domain of mindfulness practice. There are three basic components to any …

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“Touching, Connecting” and “Being in Touch, Looking Deeply”

In the blog category “Guided Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

The two meditations entitled “Touching, Connecting” and “Being in Touch, Looking Deeply” as described in the book “The Blooming of a Lotus” by …

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Guided Meditations from “The Blooming of a Lotus” by Thich Nhat Hanh

In the blog category “Guided Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading. 

I came across Thich Nhat Hanh’s “The Blooming of a Lotus” a few years ago and was absolutely blown away by its contents. …

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The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh – Book Review

The Miracle of Mindfulness

In the blog category “Book Reviews”, I will review many classic books written by teachers and practitioners of mindfulness meditation. I have been reading such books for more than 2 decades now. I will systematically review these books, one by one, so that it may help readers of this …

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