Blog Archives

Taking the Best Medicine Mindfully

In the blog category “Mindfulness Meditation techniques”, I will list various techniques that will help practitioners of this form of meditation. Over a period of years, I have compiled a variety of such techniques and formed a virtual toolkit from which I draw upon on a regular basis.

Hippocrates, the Greek physician often referred to as the “Father of Western Medicine” once stated that “Walking is the best medicine”. I am going to present a beautiful technique that utilizes “short breaths” …

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Counting on Mindfulness

In the blog category “Mindfulness Meditation techniques”, I will list various techniques that will help practitioners of this form of meditation. Over a period of years, I have compiled a variety of such techniques and formed a virtual toolkit from which I draw upon on a regular basis.

In my previous blog post, I explored the functions of mindfulness and concentration. I described how they interacted and supported one another. There is a wonderful meditation technique that combines these two …

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Mindfulness and Concentration

In the blog category “Mindfulness Concepts”, I will elaborate on the many ideas, concepts and insights that form the basis of the amazing practice of mindfulness meditation.

Mindfulness meditation involves a very delicate balancing act. The practice involves cultivating two separate qualities of the mind – mindfulness and concentration. Ideally these two work together as a team. Therefore, it is important to cultivate them side-by-side and in a balanced manner. If one of these qualities or skills is strengthened at the …

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