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Practicing the 4 Limitless Qualities along with YouTube’s “A Day in the Life – 2020” film

4 Limitless Qualities

Four of the most important virtues within Buddhism are the “Limitless Qualities” because they represent love and goodwill toward all sentient beings, without limit. These are also called the “4 Divine Abodes”. These 4 qualities unlock unlimited potential for contentment, connectedness within us and connectedness with other sentient beings around us.

These 4 prized emotions or mind states give us a framework to cultivate positive behaviors and minimize harmful ones. They are called the “Divine abodes” because they are …

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Mindfulness and Equanimity

In the blog category “Mindfulness Concepts”, I will elaborate on the many ideas, concepts and insights that form the basis of the amazing practice of mindfulness meditation.

Equanimity is a state of mind that is characterized by mental calmness, composure, and peace of mind in difficult situations. For most of us, these are elusive qualities. However, we can begin to develop equanimity by practicing mindfulness meditation. When we practice mindfulness, either formally or informally, we learn to observe our emotions …

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