Blog Archives

Mindfulness of Thinking Process

In the blog category “Guided Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

Within the broad domain of mindfulness, mindfulness of thinking process is a simple method in which we observe the process by which thinking …

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Calming the Breath and the Body (Long Version)

In the blog category “Guided Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

A few months ago, I received a request from a regular website visitor asking me if I could provide a longer version …

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Observe the Talking of Soul with Itself

In the blog category “Mindfulness Meditation techniques”, I will list various techniques that will help practitioners of this form of meditation. Over a period of years, I have compiled a variety of such techniques and formed a virtual toolkit from which I draw upon on a regular basis.

In an earlier blog post, I described the technique of “mental noting”. It is a simple method in which we use thinking to stay in the present rather than get carried away by …

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Living on a Prayer (Mindfully)

In the blog category “Mindfulness Meditation techniques”, I will list various techniques that will help practitioners of this form of meditation. Over a period of years, I have compiled a variety of such techniques and formed a virtual toolkit from which I draw upon on a regular basis.

Buddhist prayer beads or rosary beads are traditional tools used in the practice of meditation or reflection. They have been used for meditation and recitation of chants for thousands of years in the …

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Guided vs Unguided Practice of Mindfulness Meditation

In the blog category “Executive Mindfulness Coaching”, I will list some questions I have received from my clients. I will list their answers and will elaborate on them so that they are helpful to other practitioners of mindfulness meditation as well.

I was asked a question about the usage of guided vs. unguided mindfulness meditations and if it was better to use guided meditations every time.

I would like to clarify the distinctions between guided and unguided meditations. When we are starting …

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Mindfulness of Feeling Tones

In the blog category “Guided Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

Mindfulness of feeling tones is a very powerful application within the broad domain of mindfulness practice. There are three basic components to any …

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Body Scan Meditation

In the blog category “Guided Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

The body scan meditation has proven to be an extremely powerful and healing form of mindfulness meditation. It involves systematically sweeping through the …

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Mental Noting

In the blog category “Guided Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

As I explained in an earlier blog post, within the broad domain of mindfulness, “mental noting” is a simple method in which …

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Mindfulness of Breath

In the blog category “Guided Meditations”, I will provide detailed explanations for all the guided meditation tracks that I will place in the Resources section of this website. These blog posts will be hyperlinked from the “Guided Meditations” page under “Resources” menu option where these meditation tracks in mp3 format will be placed for streaming or for downloading.

The breath is a very useful object in mindfulness meditation. We breathe all the time. The breath itself is a neutral object. Mindfulness …

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Observe the Turning of Hands of Time

In the blog category “Mindfulness Meditation techniques”, I will list various techniques that will help practitioners of this form of meditation. Over a period of years, I have compiled a variety of such techniques and formed a virtual toolkit from which I draw upon on a regular basis.

Cogito ergo sum is a Latin philosophical proposition by René Descartes usually translated into English as “I think, therefore I am”. Descartes asserted that the very act of doubting one’s own existence served …

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Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There!

In the blog category “Mindfulness Meditation techniques”, I will list various techniques that will help practitioners of this form of meditation. Over a period of years, I have compiled a variety of such techniques and formed a virtual toolkit from which I draw upon on a regular basis.

Coming on the heels of my previous blog post on standing meditation, this technique will seem to be its complementary.

Take a few minutes to just sit comfortably and not do anything while keeping …

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Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

In the blog category “Mindfulness Meditation techniques”, I will list various techniques that will help practitioners of this form of meditation. Over a period of years, I have compiled a variety of such techniques and formed a virtual toolkit from which I draw upon on a regular basis. All exercises listed in this blog category can be used either as formal techniques or as informal techniques, depending on the specific situation and circumstance.

Some humorous quotations are created by cleverly transforming …

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Meditate With Eyes Open?

In the blog category “Mindfulness Meditation techniques”, I will list various techniques that will help practitioners of this form of meditation. Over a period of years, I have compiled a variety of such techniques and formed a virtual toolkit from which I draw upon on a regular basis. All exercises listed in this blog category can be used as either formal techniques or as informal techniques, depending on the specific situation and circumstance. 

There are two broad kinds of mindfulness meditation: formal and informal. The formal …

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